BCN Services

PEO vs ASO: Navigating HR Solutions Wisely

PEO vs ASO apples and oranges

What is a PEO?

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is a company that provides comprehensive HR solutions to businesses. By partnering with a PEO, businesses can outsource various HR functions, such as payroll processing, employee benefits administration, compliance management, and risk management. Essentially, a PEO becomes the employer of record for the client’s employees, taking on legal and administrative responsibilities. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while relying on the expertise of the PEO to handle their HR needs.

What is an ASO?

An Administrative Services Only (ASO) is a service that provides businesses with administrative support for their HR functions. Unlike a PEO, an ASO does not become the employer of record for the client’s employees. Instead, it works alongside the client to handle specific HR tasks, such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance management. With an ASO, businesses retain control over their employees, while benefiting from the expertise and support of the ASO in managing their HR needs.

Key Differences between a PEO and an ASO

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. One area where businesses often seek outside help is in human resources (HR) management. This is where Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and Administrative Services Only (ASO) providers come into play.

While both PEOs and ASOs offer HR solutions, there are some key differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help businesses make an informed decision and choose the option that best suits their needs.

1. Employer of Record Status

One of the key differences between a PEO and an ASO is the employer of record status. With a PEO, the organization becomes the employer of record, also referred to as co-employment, for the client’s employees. This means that the PEO takes on legal and administrative responsibilities, including payroll taxes, workers’ compensation, and employment laws compliance. In contrast, an ASO does not become the employer of record. The client business retains this status and remains responsible for these obligations.

2. Risk Management

Another important distinction between a PEO and an ASO is the level of risk management provided. With a PEO, the organization assumes a higher level of risk management responsibilities. This includes managing workers’ compensation claims, unemployment claims, and employee misconduct issues. On the other hand, an ASO typically provides limited risk management support or might not offer it at all. The client business would be responsible for managing these aspects on their own.

3. Control and Flexibility

When it comes to control and flexibility, an ASO offers more autonomy to the client business. Since the client retains the employer of record status, they have greater control over HR decisions and the ability to customize HR policies and practices. In contrast, a PEO limits the client’s control to an extent, as the PEO becomes the legal employer for HR purposes. This may result in less flexibility in certain HR areas, such as benefits offerings or employee policies.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Both PEOs and ASOs can help businesses with regulatory compliance, but the level of support may differ. A PEO typically takes on a greater role in ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations. This includes staying up to date with changes in legislation, providing guidance on compliance requirements, and managing employee-related paperwork. An ASO, on the other hand, may offer more limited compliance support or leave it entirely up to the client business.

5. Employee Benefits

Another important difference between a PEO and an ASO is in the area of employee benefits. A PEO often offers a wide range of benefits options to client businesses and their employees. This can include health insurance, retirement plans, and other voluntary benefits. The PEO leverages its size and buying power to negotiate competitive rates and offer a comprehensive benefits package.

In contrast, an ASO typically does not offer employee benefits directly. They may, however, assist the client business in finding and selecting benefit providers. This can involve researching different options, obtaining quotes, and providing guidance on the selection process. Ultimately, the client business remains responsible for managing and administering the employee benefits programs.

6. Cost Structure

One of the main differences between a PEO and an ASO is their cost structure. A PEO typically charges a bundled fee that covers a range of HR services, including payroll, benefits administration, compliance management, and others. This fee is usually based on a percentage of the client’s payroll. On the other hand, an ASO often charges a fee for each specific HR service provided or offers a customizable package based on the client’s needs. The cost structure of an ASO may be more flexible and tailored to the specific requirements of the client business.

9 Benefits of a PEO for your Business HR

Read our ultimate guide on the benefits a PEO can provide to your business.

7. Payroll Services

Another area where a PEO and an ASO differ is in payroll services. With a PEO, the organization takes on the responsibility of processing payroll and managing payroll taxes. They handle tasks such as calculating and distributing employee wages, withholding and remitting payroll taxes, and producing year-end tax forms. This can save the client business time and effort, as they do not have to worry about the complexities of payroll administration. The PEO has the expertise and resources to ensure accurate and timely payroll processing, relieving the client business of this burden.

On the other hand, an ASO does not typically handle payroll processing directly. Instead, they may assist the client business in selecting a payroll provider or software to handle this task. The client business retains control and responsibility for processing payroll, but the ASO can provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Which Option is Right for Your Business?

The decision between a PEO and an ASO depends on the specific needs and priorities of your business. If you are looking for a comprehensive solution that takes on legal and administrative responsibilities, a PEO may be the right choice. It can help streamline HR processes, reduce risks, and ensure regulatory compliance. However, if you prefer to retain control over your employees and customize your HR policies, an ASO may be a better fit. It can provide specific HR services and support while allowing you to remain in control of your payroll and other administrative tasks.

Consider the size of your business as well. PEOs are often more suitable for small to medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources or expertise to handle HR functions effectively. They can provide access to benefits and services typically only available to larger companies, helping to attract and retain top talent.

On the other hand, ASOs can be a good option for larger businesses that already have HR departments in place but need additional support or specialized services. They offer flexibility in choosing which specific HR services you need and can customize a package to fit your requirements.

Ultimately, both PEOs and ASOs can provide valuable HR solutions, but the right choice for your business will depend on your unique needs and priorities. Consider factors such as the size of your business, your HR capabilities, the level of control you want to maintain, and your budget when making your decision.

Key Points: PEO vs ASO

  • PEOs provide comprehensive hr outsourcing, including payroll, benefits, and HR management through co-employment.
  • ASOs offer HR administrative support without assuming legal responsibility for employees.
  • The choice between a PEO and an ASO depends on your specific business needs.
  • Both PEOs and ASOs can help save time and money by outsourcing HR functions.
  • PEOs and ASOs are secure and reliable, with robust systems to protect sensitive data.

In Conclusion

Both PEOs and ASOs offer HR solutions to businesses but with some key differences. PEOs provide a comprehensive package of HR services, including payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance management, while ASOs offer more flexibility in choosing specific services.