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Understanding PEOs in HR Outsourcing: What is a PEO?

What is a PEO?

A PEO, or Professional Employer Organization, is a company that provides comprehensive HR solutions to businesses. These organizations partner with businesses to handle various HR tasks, such as payroll processing, employee benefits management, risk management, and compliance with employment laws and regulations.

In essence, a PEO acts as an outsourcing partner for HR management. By partnering with a PEO, businesses can offload their HR responsibilities and focus on their core competencies and business growth. The PEO takes care of the administrative burden associated with HR, allowing businesses to save time and resources.

One of the key advantages of working with a PEO is access to a wide range of expertise and resources. PEOs typically have experienced HR professionals who can provide guidance and support in areas such as employee relations, talent acquisition, and performance management. They also have access to technology platforms and software that streamline HR processes, making them more efficient and accurate.

Another significant benefit of partnering with a PEO is the ability to offer competitive employee benefits. PEOs have the ability to pool together the employees of multiple businesses, which allows them to negotiate and secure better rates on benefits such as workers compensation, health insurance, retirement plans, and employee assistance programs. This can be particularly advantageous for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the bargaining power to obtain favorable rates on their own.

Additionally, PEOs can help businesses navigate the complex landscape of employment laws and regulations. They stay up to date on changes in legislation and ensure that businesses remain compliant,

What does a PEO actually do for your business?

A PEO, or Professional Employer Organization, serves the purpose of providing comprehensive HR solutions to businesses. The main objective of a PEO is to allow companies to outsource their administrative HR functions, enabling them to focus on their core business activities while ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.

A PEO can help your business by providing:

HR Expertise

A PEO offers businesses access to a team of HR professionals who are well-versed in various HR disciplines. These experts assist with tasks such as employee onboarding, payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance with employment regulations.

Cost Savings

By partnering with a PEO, businesses can save money on HR-related costs. PEOs often have the purchasing power to negotiate competitive rates for employee benefits, workers’ compensation insurance, and other HR services. This allows businesses to access cost-effective solutions that may not have been available to them independently.

Risk Mitigation

PEOs help mitigate legal and compliance risks by staying up-to-date with ever-changing employment laws and regulations. They assist businesses in ensuring HR practices are in compliance, mitigating potential fines and penalties associated with non-compliance.

Employee Development

PEOs often provide access to training and development programs for employees, enhancing their skills and productivity. This can contribute to the growth and success of businesses by fostering a knowledgeable and motivated workforce.

Administrative Support

PEOs handle time-consuming administrative tasks, such as payroll processing, tax filing, and benefits administration. This frees up valuable time for businesses to focus on more strategic initiatives, such as driving growth and innovation.

9 Benefits of a PEO

Read our ultimate guide on the benefits a PEO can provide to your business.

What services do PEOs typically provide?

PEOs, or Professional Employer Organizations, typically provide a range of comprehensive HR services to businesses. These services are designed to help businesses effectively manage their human resources, streamline operations, and ensure compliance with employment laws and regulations. Some of the common services offered by PEOs include:

1. Payroll processing:

PEOs handle payroll functions, including calculating and processing employee wages, tax withholding, and issuing paychecks or direct deposits.

2. Employee benefits administration:

PEOs offer access to a wide range of employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible spending accounts. They handle the enrollment, administration, and management of these benefits.

3. HR administration:

PEOs assist with various HR tasks, including employee onboarding, personnel file management, employee handbooks, and policy development. They also provide guidance on HR best practices and ensure compliance with employment laws.

4. Risk management

PEOs help businesses mitigate risk by staying updated on employment laws and regulations. They provide guidance on compliance, help with creating and implementing HR policies and procedures, and assist with handling employee disputes and claims.

PEO Risk Management: Safeguard Your Business Effectively

Learn more about how a PEO can mitigate risk for your business.

5. Workers Compensation, Loss Control, and Safety:

A professional employer organization (PEO) plays a vital role in helping businesses effectively manage workers compensation, loss control, and safety. With workers compensation, a PEO works closely with insurance providers to ensure proper coverage and compliance, handling claims management and providing guidance on risk prevention. Through their expertise in loss control, a PEO assists in identifying potential hazards, implementing safety protocols, and training employees to prevent accidents and minimize operational losses.

Furthermore, a PEO provides access to safety resources, such as safety manuals and training programs, to create a secure working environment. By partnering with a PEO, businesses can benefit from their specialized knowledge and support in managing workers compensation, loss control, and safety, allowing them to focus on their core operations while ensuring the well-being of their employees.

6. Employee training and development

PEOs often offer training and development programs to enhance employee skills and productivity. These programs can include leadership training, professional development workshops, and access to online learning resources.

7. Employee relations support:

PEOs provide guidance and support for employee relations issues, such as performance management, disciplinary actions, and conflict resolution. They can also assist with conducting employee satisfaction surveys and implementing employee recognition programs.

8. Time and attendance tracking

PEOs often provide timekeeping systems to track employee work hours accurately. This can help businesses streamline their payroll and ensure compliance with wage and hour regulations

9. Recruiting and hiring assistance

PEOs can help businesses with recruiting and hiring processes, including job posting, resume screening, and conducting interviews. They can also assist with background checks and pre-employment screenings.

10. Compliance assistance

PEOs help businesses navigate complex employment laws and regulations, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local requirements. They provide guidance on issues such as wage and hour laws, equal employment opportunity, and workplace safety.

11. Technology and HRIS support

PEOs often provide technology platforms and HR information systems (HRIS) to streamline HR processes. These systems can include features such as employee self-service portals, time and attendance tracking, and performance management tools.

What types of businesses can benefit from using a PEO?

A professional employer organization (PEO) can benefit various types of businesses, regardless of their size or industry. Here are a few examples of businesses that can benefit from using a PEO:

Small Businesses

Small businesses often have limited resources and struggle with managing various HR functions. By partnering with a PEO, small businesses can gain access to a wide range of HR services, including payroll processing, employee benefits administration, risk management, and compliance. This allows small businesses to focus on their core operations and growth, while the PEO takes care of their HR needs.

Growing Businesses

As businesses grow, their HR requirements become more complex. A PEO can provide scalable HR solutions to accommodate the growing needs of businesses. Whether it’s managing a larger workforce, handling employee onboarding and offboarding, or navigating complex employment laws, a PEO can provide the necessary expertise and support to ensure smooth HR operations during the growth phase.


Startups often operate with limited staffing and resources. By partnering with a PEO, startups can offload their HR responsibilities and gain access to HR professionals who can assist with recruitment, employee training, performance management, and compliance. This allows startups to focus on product development and market growth, while the PEO takes care of the HR functions.

Businesses with Limited HR Expertise

Some businesses may not have dedicated HR staff or lack expertise in HR functions. A PEO can serve as an outsourced HR department, providing businesses with the expertise and support they need. Whether it’s creating HR policies and procedures, handling employee relations issues, or staying up to date with changing employment laws, a PEO can ensure that businesses stay compliant and effectively manage their HR functions.

HR departments in businesses of all sizes often face the challenge of balancing strategic HR initiatives with the daily administrative and compliance needs of the company. To overcome this challenge, HR leaders have started partnering with professional employer organizations (PEOs).

Businesses with Multiple Locations

For businesses with multiple locations, managing HR processes can be challenging. A PEO can provide consistent HR support across all locations, ensuring that HR policies and practices are standardized and implemented effectively. This can help businesses maintain consistency in their HR operations and ensure compliance with local employment laws.

Businesses with International Operations

Expanding internationally can present unique HR challenges, such as navigating different labor laws and cultural differences. A PEO with international capabilities can provide businesses with the knowledge and resources to effectively manage their HR functions in different countries. They can assist with international payroll, benefits administration, and compliance, allowing businesses to focus on their global expansion efforts.

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Are there any legal considerations associated with using a PEO?

Using a professional employer organization (PEO) can offer numerous benefits for businesses, including streamlined HR processes, cost savings, and access to expert HR guidance. However, it is important to be aware of the legal considerations associated with using a PEO.

One key legal consideration is the issue of co-employment. When you engage in a PEO relationship, you are essentially establishing an employment arrangement with two employers: the PEO and the worksite employer.  This means that both you and the PEO share certain legal responsibilities and liabilities related to your employees. It is important to have a clear understanding of these shared responsibilities and to have a solid contract in place that outlines them.

Another legal consideration is compliance with employment laws and regulations. As an employer, you have legal obligations to comply with various federal, state, and local employment laws such as minimum wage requirements, overtime rules, anti-discrimination laws, and more. While a PEO can help you navigate these laws and ensure compliance, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that your business is in adherence with all applicable employment laws.

Data privacy and security is another important legal consideration. As a business, you handle sensitive employee data, and it is crucial to protect this information from unauthorized access or misuse. When selecting a PEO, it is important to assess their data security measures and ensure that they have robust systems in place to protect your employee data.

Furthermore, it is vital to review the PEO’s insurance coverage. Confirm that the PEO carries the necessary workers’ compensation.

What are the costs associated with using a PEO?

If you are considering outsourcing your human resources functions to a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), it is important to understand the costs associated with using their services. While the specific fees and charges may vary depending on the PEO and the services you require, we will outline some common costs to give you a general idea.

Service Fees

PEOs typically charge a service fee, which is typically a percentage of your gross payroll expenses. This fee covers the cost of managing your payroll, employee benefits administration, and other HR-related tasks. The percentage varies based on the average wages of your staff.  Alternatively,  service fees can be charged in a per check or per employee manner.

Administration Fees

PEOs may charge additional administration fees for specific services, such as onboarding new employees, managing workers’ compensation claims, or providing access to HR software and tools. These fees are usually charged on a per-employee basis or a flat fee per service.

Benefit Costs

PEOs often offer access to employee benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible spending accounts. While the cost of these benefits will vary depending on the specific plans chosen, the PEO may charge an administration fee for managing these benefits.

Compliance Costs

PEOs can help ensure that your business remains compliant with employment laws and regulations. However, there may be additional costs associated with compliance services, such as conducting background checks, drug testing, or providing HR consultations.

Implementation Costs

When you first engage with a PEO, there may be implementation costs involved. These costs can include setting up payroll systems, integrating HR software, or training employees on new processes. It is important to clarify with the PEO what these costs entail and if they are one-time or ongoing expenses.

Termination Costs

If you decide to end your relationship with a PEO, there may be termination costs involved. These costs can include transitioning your HR functions back in-house, transferring employee data and records, or terminating any ongoing contracts or agreements.

Miscellaneous Costs

Depending on your specific needs and the services provided by the PEO, there may be additional miscellaneous costs to consider. These can include fees for additional HR support, custom reporting, or any other specialized services that your business requires.

It is important to note that while using a PEO may involve certain costs, it can also result in cost savings for your business. By outsourcing HR functions, you can save on overhead costs, reduce the need for in-house HR staff, and gain access to specialized expertise and resources.

Before engaging with a PEO, we recommend conducting a thorough cost analysis to compare the expenses of using a PEO versus managing HR functions in-house. Consider factors such as the size of your business, the complexity of your HR needs, and the potential cost savings and efficiencies that a PEO can bring.

PEO Pricing Simplified: A Guide for Business Owners

Visit our deep dive on PEO pricing.

Should Your Business Use a PEO?

By carefully considering the various costs involved, businesses can make an informed decision about whether partnering with a PEO is the right choice for their HR needs.

Remember, the costs of using a PEO are not limited to the fees charged by the PEO itself. There may be additional costs for benefits administration, compliance services, implementation, termination, and other miscellaneous services. These costs can vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of your business.

However, it is important to weigh these costs against the potential savings and efficiencies that partnering with a PEO can bring. By outsourcing HR functions, businesses can save on overhead costs, reduce the need for in-house HR staff, and gain access to specialized expertise and resources.

To make an informed decision, we recommend conducting a thorough cost analysis. Compare the expenses of using a PEO versus managing HR functions in-house or with outside independent servicers who also charge fees. Consider factors such as the size of your business, the complexity of your HR needs, and the potential cost savings and efficiencies that a PEO can offer.

Take the time to understand the services and fees offered by different PEOs. Request detailed proposals and ask for clarification on any potential additional costs. This will help ensure that you have a clear understanding of what you are paying for and can make an informed decision.

While using a PEO can provide businesses with secure and reliable HR solutions, it is important to carefully consider the costs involved. By conducting a thorough cost analysis and weighing the potential benefits and savings, businesses can make an informed decision.

View and download our infographic showing how a PEO saves you time, money and streamlines communcation for your business.