BCN Services

Investigating troublesome behaviors and considering the options

Article information concept

When managers call the BCN Human Resources Customer Service Center asking for help with an employee exhibiting troublesome behavior, most want the same thing: To be rid of the problem.

Each situation is different. Our representatives must ask many questions in order to assess and make a plan to either terminate the employee, or rehabilitate the employee. If an employee is exhibiting behavior that is truly troubling, termination may be the only responsible course of action.

When seeking helps as to whether termination is appropriate or not, be prepared to share the following information:

  • Has the employee been placed on suspension pending an investigation?
  • What is the most recent incident that led you to seek assistance in handling the problem?
  • What previous disciplinary action has this employee received?
  • When was the onset of the troubling behavior?
  • Were any other employees involved?
  • Did any employees witness specific behavior(s)? Can you provide us with their contact information?
  • Is there any surveillance footage or other documentation that will help us assess the situation?

When appropriate, our Human Resources Department will begin an investigation to determine what action is appropriate for a positive outcome. Our Human Resources Department will work with you to ensure that the appropriate response to troublesome behavior is handled in a timely, efficiently and legally appropriate manner.

To reach BCN’s Human Resources Customer Service Center, call (800) 891-9911 ext. 4, or email us at [email protected].


Kate Douglass (200x174)

Kate Douglass, Senior HR Generalist